xo::ProtocolHandler instproc register (public)

 <instance of xo::ProtocolHandler[i]> register

Defined in packages/xotcl-core/tcl/50-protocol-handler-procs.tcl

Register the NaviServer/AOLserver filter and traces. This method is typically called via *-init.tcl. Note that the specified url must not have an entry in the site-nodes, otherwise the OpenACS request processor performs always the cockie-based authorization. To change that, it would be necessary to register the filter before the request processor (currently, there are no hooks for that).

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
Source code:
set filter_url ${:url}*
set url ${:url}/*
set root [string trimright ${:url} /]
# Methods defined by RFC 2086 (19.6.1 Additional Request Methods):
# Methods defined by RFC 2616:
# Methods defined by RF C2518:
# Methods defined by RFC 3253 (versioning extensions):
# Methods defined by RFC 3648 (ordered collections):
# Methods defined by RFC 3744 (WebDAV):
# Methods defined by RFC 4437 (redirect reference resources):
# Methods defined by RFC $791 (CalDAV):
# Methods defined by RFC 4918 (HTTP Extensions):
# Methods defined by RFC 5323 (WebDAV SEARCH):
# Methods defined by RFC 5789:
#    PATCH
foreach method {
} {
  ns_register_filter preauth $method $filter_url [self]
  ns_register_filter preauth $method $root       [self]
  ns_register_proc $method $url  [self] handle_request
  ns_register_proc $method $root [self] handle_request

  :log "ns_register_filter preauth $method $filter_url  [self]"
  :log "ns_register_filter preauth $method $root  [self]"
  :log "ns_register_proc $method $url [self] handle_request"
  :log "ns_register_proc $method $root [self] handle_request"
ns_register_proc OPTIONS  / ::xo::minimalProctocolHandler OPTIONS
ns_register_proc PROPFIND / ::xo::minimalProctocolHandler PROPFIND
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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